Health Station "Borča" Belgrade

The primary contractor, W.D. Concord West, has successfully completed the construction of the Health Clinic in Borča. This long-awaited facility now provides modern healthcare services to over 150,000 residents on the left bank of the Danube. Spanning an area of seven thousand square meters, the clinic operates under the branch of "Dunavski venac" within the "Dr. Milutin Ivković" Health Center. The Borča Health Clinic provides a range of services, including healthcare for preschool and school children, adult healthcare, home treatment, palliative care, women's healthcare, comprehensive nursing care, radiology and ultrasound diagnostics, laboratory services, dentistry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, internal medicine, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, pharmacy, emergency medical services, sterilization, and other essential services necessary for the proper functioning of the institution.
Type of work:


Facility size:



BSMT + GF + 4

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